When it comes to getting the information you need and educating yourself on how to plan a smooth hospital discharge, there are certain steps you can take to make the trip more comfortable. When hospital…
How to Plan a Smooth Hospital Discharge
Transporting Patients With Mental Health & Behavioral Disorders
It is not surprising that medical transport ambulance services are required with the number of people living with mental health and behavioral disorders in today’s trying times and circumstances but does that mean they deserve…
Tips for Long Distance Medical Transportation
Whenever a non-emergency or emergency arrives, one thing comes to mind, and that is, what’s the fastest way to get there? The short answer is how badly injured or sick is the patient? If it’s…
What You Need to Know About Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
To every segment of the population, the significance of healthcare services can never be overlooked. Previously, people have faced a multitude of problems in terms of accessing high-quality medical care but over time medical science…
A Guide: Choosing the Best International Emergency Medical Service
Medical emergencies are abrupt illnesses or injuries that can lead to death if not treated in time. During such critical situations, the availability of transport can define the difference between life and death. When looking…
Who Do I Call for Patient Transportation Services?
A patient transportation service is distinctively designed to offer help to people who need medical attention but are unable to reach a medical facility to get treated properly. This transportation method ensures that a patient…
Medical transportation can be classified into emergency and non-emergency. The emergency transport mainly caters to patients who are in critical condition and need urgent evacuation. While emergency services are commonly provided by many companies, Non-emergency…

Factors to Consider When Booking Medical Air Transport
Medical emergencies happen all the time and when they happen, there is a need for a quick response. Medical air transport companies offer the best response when it comes to emergencies. Without the quick response…

Importance of Air Medical Transport HIPAA Compliance
HIPAA, short for the Health insurance Portability and Accountability Act, was signed into law in 1996. Lawmakers created it to ensure that healthcare providers take all steps necessary to safeguard patients’ protected health information (PHI).…

Guide to Air Ambulance Service After an Event
If you’re planning a large event, you need to have backup plans in place for dealing with problems. That includes serious medical emergencies when first-aid and event medics just aren’t going to cut it. You’ll…