If you’re planning a large event, you need to have backup plans in place for dealing with problems. That includes serious medical emergencies when first-aid and event medics just aren’t going to cut it. You’ll…

Guide to Air Ambulance Service After an Event
Traveling Long Distances With Dementia
Many people are excited to travel by air, but someone who has dementia may find the experience overwhelming. Air travel is often necessary even with chronic and challenging health issues that could cause complications. The…
How to Find a Reliable Air Ambulance or Medical Escort When Out of Town
Whether for fun or work, many people travel to exotic destinations outside of the United States each year. Even with the most careful planning, not many consider what they would do if they suddenly became…
Air Ambulance History
In the modern world, helicopters and fixed-wing airplanes are used for air ambulance service. Utilizing a highly trained staff, these aircraft transport injured and sick people from remote areas to hospitals where they can receive…
Important Tips for Medical Air Transport With Geriatric Patients
There has been an increase in America in the geriatric population and by the year 2060, industry experts predict the number to reach about 98 million. With so many geriatric patients who love to travel…