HIPAA, short for the Health insurance Portability and Accountability Act, was signed into law in 1996. Lawmakers created it to ensure that healthcare providers take all steps necessary to safeguard patients’ protected health information (PHI).…

Importance of Air Medical Transport HIPAA Compliance
Medical Transportation During Natural Disasters
Natural disasters remain a problem in this country because few people actually prepare for it. It’s hard to think that a natural disaster may occur to yourself. Yet everyone should be prepared in the event…
Air Ambulance Service and Being Prepared if Needed
Updated on October 12, 2021 Air ambulance service can be pretty expensive but it’s considered the most beneficial service when patients need a fast, reliable, and safe method of transportation. Air ambulance services are one…
Safety Tips For Long Distance Medical Transportation
Senior patients who use long distance medical transport often have questions about what they should pack and other details about their trip. When there is a pre-existing health condition involved, it is crucial that drivers…